Find a trail that is close to home and plan for a walk, or hike. Most young kids love the freedom of running down paths, climbing on fallen logs.
A few games you can play while on your hike could be:
Encourage your child to “lead” you through the trail, over, around, and under obstacles, incorporating as many trees, shrubs, and rocks along the path as possible.
Walk and talk your way down the trail by testing each other’s eyesight in nature. If you want to prolong the game throw out “I spy something green” when it’s your turn.
Works best with slightly older kids who are comfortable walking ahead of the group or off the trail on their own. This is hide and seek played while hiking. It’s surprisingly fun and exciting—and, we think, better than the original! The hider runs ahead on the trail and finds a tree, rock, or object to hide behind (or under), ideally within 10 to 15 feet of the trail. The rest of the group keeps hiking while the hider looks for the perfect spot to hide.
Twenty Questions
This is a classic game that is fun for all ages. One person thinks of a person or a place; the others get 20 yes-or-no questions to guess what or who it is.