Ice Cream Sundae Bar

What you will need:

  • Multiple options of your family's favourite ice cream flavours (leave in freezer until ready to serve)
  • Variety of toppings, mini m&m's, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, sprinkles, mini rolos, skor bits, broken cookie pieces (really limitless).
  • Whipped cream
  • Sauces - caramel, hot fudge, strawberry preserves
  • waffle bowls, cones or bowls and spoons
  • large bucket filled with ice
  • large wooden board
  • Mason jars (or other bowls) for toppings.

NOTE: If you don't have mason jars you could put all toppings in a muffin baking tin

Fun Fact: July 18th is Ice Cream Day. We don't think you need a single day to celebrate ice cream, but it is fun to set aside a day in the summer to celebrate this cool treat.

Setting up an ice cream sundae bar in your home is fun and easy thing to do, your children (and adult children) will want to come back for second helpings!

How to assemble:

  • Step 1: Put your bucket in the middle of the wooden board. (this will be filled with ice and ice cream right before serving.
  • Step 2: place your mason jars (or other bowls) around the bucket and fill them with your toppings. Put out waffle bowls, cones, bowls and spoons.
  • Step 3: Warm your sauces (chocolate, caramel) and put them on the board.
  • Step 4: Put ice in the bottom of the bucket, put the tubs of ice cream on top of the ice, put in scoops and let the party get started.

NOTE: If the ice cream is very hard, you may want to keep a glass of warm water to put the scoops in.

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