Puzzle Piece Ornaments

What you need:

  • Small Puzzle Pieces
  • Craft Paint (Red, Green, White, Brown)
  • Paint brushes
  • Craft Glue (or hot glue gun)
  • Twine or thin ribbon
  • Small Jingle Bell- Embellishments (sequins, rhinestones, small pom poms)

This is the best way to upcycle any puzzle that is in your house that you know has pieces missing. Using craft paint and imagination, you can create homemade tree ornaments.

How to assemble:

  • Step 1: Paint your puzzle pieces (red and white for candy cane, green for wreath, white for snowflake, brown for reindeer
  • Step 2: Once your puzzle pieces have dried, you can lay out the pieces of the ornament you are working on and then start gluing the pieces into place. If using a glue gun, ensure that it is adult supervised.
  • Step 3: Once glue has dried, add embellishments.

For wreath you can add rhinestones, sequins or pom poms.

For reindeer you can add a red pom pom nose

For snowflake you can add silver, white or blue glitter

  • Step 4: Add ribbon and you are ready to trim your tree

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