Paper Towel Roll Menorah

What you need:

  • Construction paper (flame colours like yellow and/or orange.
  • Colouring utensils (markers, crayons, coloured pencils)
  • Paint (for the roll 'candles'
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue (or hot glue gun)
  • Craft sticks (popsicle sticks)
  • Toilet paper rolls / paper towel rolls

Note for paper rolls: Save either 8 toilet paper rolls or 4 paper towel rolls that can be cut in half to be used for the candles.

Chanukah is the Festival of Lights with eight nights of celebration and candle lighting. Here is a creative craft for children to use their imagination to create their own menorahs using paper rolls.

How to assemble:

  • Step 1: Ensure you have 8 toilet paper rolls for each menorah and a paper towel roll cut above the size of the candle rolls to represent the Shamash.
  • Step 2: Painting or covering the rolls. This is up to your child's imagination you can use a solid colour to paint the rolls, or create your own patterns, multi colours, stickers or markers.  
  • Step 3: Making the candles: Using your yellow or orange construction paper, cut out teardrop shape to represent the flame. Glue each flame to a craft popsicle stick. You will need 9 in total.
  • Step 4: Assembling the menorah. You can glue the rolls in the shape of the menorah, putting your Shamash in the centre or off to one side or you can leave the rolls unattached and just lined up. Again, up to your children's vision for their project.

Each night of Chanukah, your child will say the blessing over the candles and insert one of their candles into the roll. At the end of the eight nights, their menorah will be all 'lit' up.

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