Painted Clipboard

  • Clip boards (can be found at dollar stores)
  • Paints (colours of your child's choice)
  • Paint brushes or foam sponges
  • Painters tape (optional)
  • Modge Podge (or other sealer - optional)

Each child learns in their own unique way. Whether in the classroom or at home, organization of the paperwork is key to success at any age.

Binders and duo tangs are an easy way to store notes and hand outs, but perhaps you need something to write on while learning in class. What about personalizing your own clipboard to make note taking or learning more enjoyable.

How to create:

  • It is really an individual art project so your child can decide if they want to paint their own picture on the clipboard or use painters tape and create their own designs and paint around the tape to create their own pattern.
  • If using the tape, ensure the paint is dry completely before taking the tape off the project.
  • Once the project is dry, you can seal the project with a modge podge sealer or spray sealer (Adult supervision required) to ensure that the design sets and stays on. You can add a designed cork board to your child's room (see post from last week) and you can make the clipboards per subject in school and have one clipboard per subject.

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