Turn Your Old Camp Tshirt into a Mask!

  • Old camp shirt
  • Another colour fabric (can use rest of tshirt if you want)
  • Thread
  • Needle
  • String or elastic
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Ruler

This activity requires the use of a sewing machine. It can be done by hand, but will take a lot longer. Can be done in two separate sessions, or I can completely nix the sewing machine.


1. Cut your tshirt (and other fabric) into an 8x6 inch rectangle
2. Cut two pieces of elastic about 6-7 inches. If you are using string, cut into 4 pieces about 10 inches each. If you don't have string or elastic, you can use strips of your tshirt fabric.
3. Put both pieces of fabric on top of each other, inside out
4. Start sewing from the middle of the long side along the edges. Once you get to the corner, put the edge of your elastic or string into the first corner from the inside. Keep the string/elastic on the inside.
5. Continue sewing down edges until you get to the next corner. If you are using elastic, bring the other end of the elastic to the corner, and sew. If you are using string, bring the second string and sew to corner.
6. Continue with all four corners.
7. After the 4th corner, continue sewing along the edge, but leave a 1.5-2 inch section not sewn.
8. Bring the entire mask through the unsewn part, so it is right side out.
9. Sew along the top edge again, including the hole, sealing the entire mask.
10. Pleats - on each side you are going to create three pleats, one by one. Fold about .5 inch under itself on the edge and sew into place. Repeat 3 times on each side
11. Optional - sew along the edges again to secure entire mask.
12. Wear in all public places and where social distancing isn't possible!

This activity is brought to you by Camp Northland, an overnight camp based in Haliburton, Ontario with a 100+ year tradition of creating memorable summer experiences for children and teenagers from Southern Ontario.

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