What to do with the leftover Pringles cans that perhaps have been accumulating since quarantine? We came across this great idea that remind us of our own childhood - a kaleidoscope! Here's how to make it:
STEP 1: Get started on your simple kaleidoscope right away! If you are going to make a Pringles can kaleidoscope, remove chips, rinse, and dry the can!
STEP 2: Roll a piece of shimmery silver paper and put it inside the can. Mark and cut off excess.
STEP 3: Cover the outside of the can with a coloured paper. Use a shimmery purple paper (or you can paint it!) and secure it with tape. Decorate if you like with markers, stickers, tape, and other embellishments!
STEP 4: Use a hammer and nail to punch an eye hole in the sealed end of the can.
STEP 5: Glue sequins on the inside of the Pringle’s can lid. Then add glitter and colourful paper or other embellishments.Simple Science and STEM for Every Day. Your simple kaleidoscope needs one more thing, A second colourful lens!
STEP 6: For this you want to use clear contact paper. Cut a square and tape it sticky side up to the table. Add a little bit of everything. Press another piece of contact paper over the top to seal it.
STEP 7: Use scissors and cut the contact paper to fit your can. You will be putting the lid on over this, so make sure it is a close fit.Next you want to glue it to the top of can. Elmer’s glue works fine.It’s very important to let everything dry really well. Put the lid on your simple kaleidoscope and head outside. Twist the lid as you point the kaleidoscope up towards the sun. The fixed lens underneath the lid stays in place while the outside lid spins around it mixing all sorts of shimmering colours! The brighter the light the cooler it looks. NOTE: Please help your child and never encourage looking directly into the sun.